WOW, Ramadhan has come!!! Let's welcome happily! We are now in the best month, so please don't waste this chance, everyone!
Prepare yourself, especially your heart, body, and money. You know why? Okay, I'll tell you the reasons...
First, heart. Your heart must be clear of all negative things. You should apologize to others so your Ramadhan (InsyaAllah) will be the success one.
Second, body. You will fast for a month, since the early morning (Shubuh) until the sunset (Maghrib). So, take care of your body. Eat the good and healthy meal when you break your fast. Don't let yourself do 'the revenge': eat all you can when break the fast without any consideration, haha...
The last, money. This month is full of pahala or rewards from Allah, so you should do the 'Sedekah' more than before. Sedekah means give your money or other kind of helps to the poor people.
Okay, I think that's all. Wish you all get the success in this Ramadhan, aamiin...
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- 마리암 Pahn
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