League Champions Knouck-out Phase

Hi, friends!
UEFA League champions has announced the match for knock-out phase. And.... UNITED meet Inter! I can not wait to see the match

however, UNITED now must concern about their participation in Toyota Cup. They will fight against a club from South America (I forget the name, because it's difficult name... )
of course, I hope UNITED back to home with a cup!!! Aamiin..

Undian UCL udah dirilis. Hasilnya?? 3 klub Italy bernasib kurang baik karna ktemu 3 jagoan dr EPL (hehe, sotoy... Maaph... Maaph... Ya Allah, moga gak kebalikan yaaa, aamiin).
My UNITED ktemu Inter, Chels*** bakal lawan Juve, n the last Roma mesti hadapin Arsenal.
Mesq benci, tp klo dah di UCL seh me bakal dukung koq smua tim EPL. So, ngalah aja yaa tim Italy. However, kalo si C n A akhrnya kalah jg gpp, paling me bakal bilang 'kacian deh'... Hhhheee..
UCL tetep UCL, masih lama neh, February nanti, skarg yg mesti dipikirin ya FIFA World Club Championship. Okeeeeh.. Go GO UNITED!!!

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